Parenting can be really rewarding, but it can also be tough at times.

We may notice changes in our children’s mood and behaviours. Some of these are normal and are part of growing up, however it can be difficult to know who to contact or how to help if we feel our children need some support.

Do you need help with...

If your child is struggling with their feelings, emotions or behaviours, our help sections offer information on how they might be feeling, some strategies to help improve these feelings and details of who to contact if you think your child would benefit from some further support.

Domestic Abuse guide
Domestic Abuse guide
help guide icon

Domestic Abuse

Information on support available.

Zarach guide
Zarach guide
help guide icon


Supporting families to ensure a good sleeping arrangement for years to come.

Early Support Service guide
Early Support Service guide
help guide icon

Early Support Service

Early support is about identifying problems as soon as possible and working with you to...

Our impact

How Kirklees Keep in Mind helped me


"It has been brilliant. I never thought that doing the parent-led group would lead to us to where we are now. I have seen changes not only in my child but also in myself."

Organisations that can help