Information for school staff and professionals supporting young people, such as GPs.

All schools are free to access our resources and information and we work with selected provisions in Kirklees to offer consultations for school staff, 1-1 and group support for children and young people. We also offer education sessions such as assemblies and workshops for both children and young people and parents/carers as well as a comprehensive training programme for school staff. 

Young people, parents, carers, families and professionals who are working with families can request support from the families together gateway Families Together – Support for children, young people and families | Kirklees Council

If the young person you require support for attends one of the provisions below, please complete the referral form for Children’s LD- Kirklees CAMHS.


Castle Hill




Do you need help with...

If a child is struggling with their feelings, emotions or behaviours, our help sections offer information on how they might be feeling, some strategies to help improve these feelings and details of who to contact if you think the young person would benefit from some further support.

Our impact

How Kirklees Keep in Mind helped me

School staff

"I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all of the work you are doing with our students, especially our year 11 girls. They clearly trust you and feel safe around you, which is having a really positive effect on our relationships with them in school at a crucial point in their school careers."

Organisations that can help